Sandrina si goyang 2 jari! hadiri Puncak Acara Limitless Day 2020 oleh Eternity EO ADP 2018: "Let's Be Productive!"

Friday (4/12), the Eternity Event Organizer has held the Peak Limitless Day Dance Competition 2020. This Eternity Event Organizer is one of the event organizers formed by Yogyakarta State University students from the 2018 Office Administration D3 study program through the Event Organizer course and supervised by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma. This peak event was held via zoom by inviting Sandrina Mazaya Azzahra (Indonesian Champion Seeking Talent 3) as a resource person. The highlight of the Limitless Day event itself was the last event in a series of events held by the Eternity Event Organizer after about two months of holding a dance competition with the theme "Be Productive!". Through the dance competition, it is hoped that the community can continue to actively channel their dancing talents and develop their abilities even in the current pandemic conditions.

This dance competition is held online through several stages. The first stage is registration via the google form which opens on October 16, 2020 until October 27, 2020. The second stage is video collection on November 1, 2020 until November 25, 2020, where participants who have registered are welcome to upload their dance videos via Instagram. with the terms and conditions that have been notified in advance by the committee. The third stage is judging, there are 2 judges invited to judge the participants, namely Dani Budi Utama Pamungkas and Brian Feri Ariyoga. Finally, the winner announcement stage was held in conjunction with the 2020 Limitless Day Peak event, namely a sharing conversation with Sandrina Mazaya Azzahra.

The number of participants in this dance competition is 40 teams. Participants in the dance competition did not only come from Yogyakarta, but many also came from various regions in Indonesia. The winners of this dance competition were Patbhe La Danse from Yogyakarta, the 2nd place winner was won by Evanore from Yogyakarta, and the 3rd place winner was won by CEC from Malang. The winners will receive cash and e-certificates that have been prepared by the committee.

The implementation of this event, of course, cannot be separated from the cooperation of the Eternity Event Organizer committee who has mobilized all their energy and ideas to make this event run smoothly. Then, the Eternity Event Organizer committee also thanked the Event Organizer lecturer, Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, who has guided the activities from start to finish. Not to forget, friends from the 2018 Office Administration class who have given a lot of support. The committee itself hopes that all dance competition participants can continue to work and show their talents not only through competitions but on other platforms such as performances, theater, and others. This event can be watched on the youtube link (WO/cs)