Administrative Officer Competency Certification : Nine Lecturers and One Laboratory Administrative Assistant UNY Declared Competent

In order to improve competence as a technical certificate for assessors, lecturers, and administrative practitioners, the Department of Administrative Education follows the KKNI III Administrative Officer Competency Certification by LSPP3. This activity was carried out for two days using the blended learning method. The first day (30/09) with the Technology Guidance (Bimtek) agenda and the second day (02/10) with the Competency Test agenda, which includes interviews and portfolios. This online technical guidance is guided by Sri Sudarwati, M.M., an Administrative Professional, Competency Assessor and Master Trainer. Meanwhile, the competency test was directly tested by two Administrative Officer assessors, Ms. Dyah Ekanuwati and Mr. Agus Heri Santoso. This competency certification activity is organized by Citra Prestasi Gemilang (CPG) and is subsidized. On this occasion, the Office Administration Study Program (ADP) sent nine lecturers and one educational staff (laboratory) to take the competency test. The lecturers who participated in this activity, namely Drs. Joko Kumoro, M.Sc., Yuliansah, M.Pd., Yudit Ayu Respati, M.Sc., Rr. Chusnu Syarifa DK., M.Sc., Mochamad Hanafi, M.Sc., Voettie Wisataone, M.A., Suhartanto, M.Sc., Nadia Sasmita, M.Si, and Riana Isti Muslikha, M.Pd. Meanwhile, the ADP laboratory assistant who took part in the certification, namely Isti Kistiananingsih, S.Pd. In order to prepare for Bimtek and Competency Test, participants from ADP UNY seriously participated in the training which was supervised directly by Yuliansah, M.Pd., one of the ADP lecturers. "The training given by Mr. Yul is very useful and makes us aware of administrative officer activities, especially lecturers who take part in this activity are not Office Administration graduates." Terang Voettie, one of the non-graduated Office Administration lecturers and certification participants. The Competency Test was carried out at the Atrium Premier Hotel Yogyakarta while still complying with the Health protocol.

The activity which started at 08.00 WIB and ended at 14.30 WIB was attended by 21 participants, consisting of assessors, educators (lecturers and teachers), and administrative practitioners. All participants are recommended to pass or be competent by the assessor. "I think this subsidized competency test is very good and provides an opportunity for education actors to improve their competence, especially in administrative officers." said Chusnu, one of the participants of thecertification [voe].